Mrs. Walking Pregnancy Cliche is Making a Comeback!

is-my-massage-therapist-attracted-to-meI posted a few weeks ago about how this pregnancy is so different from my first and how I was so sick and could not eat anything. Well, while my morning sickness has not completely gone away, it is finally much better! I am now 14 weeks along and am able to actually eat, although I do have some aversions to foods that I normally love, like Chinese food and chicken.

The cliché part comes in last night, which I might have spent sitting in my comfy chair with a JAR of pickles on my lap. I may have polished off half of that jar, and then I may have decided that I needed a scoop of ice cream to complete my snack. I may have eaten the ice cream and then started thinking “wouldn’t it be great if they made dill pickle ice cream so I could have this snack all in one?” And then…I may have googled it and found recipes.

Sigh, just typing this post made me want to go finish that jar of pickles…